Sustainable Development Initiatives at BHP Billiton
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Case Details:
Case Code : BECG088
Case Length : 25 Pages
Period : 2001-2008
Pub Date : 2008
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : BHP BIlliton
Industry : Natural Resources
Countries : Global
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Introduction Contd...
Notwithstanding the criticism, BHP Billiton claimed to have
taken several initiatives to address issues concerning health, safety,
environment, and community (HSEC) at its operations.
On the health front, the company identified some health risks like noise, dust,
hazardous materials, etc., and claimed to have taken initiatives to reduce
employee exposure to these risks.
It also claimed to have initiated programs to control diseases like HIV/AIDs,
malaria and avian flu, tuberculosis, and kidney diseases.
On the safety front, the company said it was working to
achieve its goal of 'Zero Harm.' And to address the environmental impact of its
operations, it reportedly took initiatives to control emissions, protect
biodiversity, and ensure efficient use of resources.
The company claimed that it created job
opportunities, provided access to food, clean water, basic healthcare,
and education for communities affected by its operations.
According to its sustainability reports, it had been promoting human
rights by allowing freedom of association and restricting child labor.
It also claimed to be taking steps to protect the rights of indigenous
Although BHP Billiton claimed that it was following a sustainable
development policy and that it managed to achieve its targets in most
cases, its critics were not impressed... |
Excerpts >>